Do You Have a Money Back Policy?

Yes we do. We have a full money back guarantee if we are unsuccessful getting you approved into the program for eligible commissions. We currently have a 100% success rate at getting our clients approved, however, if for whatever reason we are unable to do so, you will get your money back.

What’s In this For You?

Due to the nature of this business, we are looking to partner with as many people as possible. We are unable to scale this to the size that we would like by ourselves due to the amount of capital it would require to scale to that large. This is where you as our client comes in. We would be taking on the role as your operating partner in this entire arrangement, and once you recoup your initial investment from our services, we would take a split of the commissions to continue growing and feeding more content into your account.

Is Everyone Eligible For This Opportunity?

Yes, and no. The program that we partner with to create commissions for you is a gated program and only certain individuals actually can be accepted. Because of our vast digital marketing expertise, we know exactly how to get you approved into the program. We provide you with everything you need to be eligible. Because of the nature of the program that we use, you also do need some type of social media presence, whether that be a Facebook account, TikTok account that you barely use, or an old instagram account that you haven’t touched in 8 years. As long as it’s an active account, we can work with that to get you approved.

How Do I Know You Are Legitimate?

We are pretty well known in the e-commerce and digital marketing industries. Our reputation is very important to us and are completely transparent about all of it. We can provide any type of documentation that you may request as long as it does not include providing client personal information.

Do You Have Any Customer Testimonials?

Yes, absolutely we do. We can provide testimonials, proof, and all evidence of our legitimacy over our demo call and even provide you with video testimonials of current clients and show live results of our managed accounts.

Still Not Sure.. I Don’t Get it What’s the Catch?

There is literally zero catch. We are serial entrepreneurs and digital marketing masters who have been able to scale numerous 7 and 8 figure online brands over the last 15 years. We have since stepped away from physical products and into the world of Digital Content. We are looking to partner with investors, business owners, and everybody in between that wants to create a passive income stream because it does 2 things for us:

  1. It makes us feel really good knowing that we are helping somebody make a passive income stream that they otherwise would not be able to do and we know that an additional $2-7k/mo can change a lot of people’s lives.

  2. We benefit from this partnership as well. Because your capital is going towards creating as much content as humanly possible, we are able to scale much larger and faster than we would be able to if we didn’t partner with somebody like you looking to have a secondary passive income stream.